~WINTER 2024~



Teen Yoga Class

Mondays 4pm - 5pm

Led by Luna Eidi, Yoga Teacher & Triple Vagal Method Practitioner

Luna will gently guide participants through fundamentals of yoga in a small group format. Incorporating a yoga practice can benefit overall health and wellbeing.

Interpersonal Relationship for Teens

Mondays 5pm - 6pm

Led by Dustin Adler, LMFT

In this group, teens will explore the concepts of “trust”, “safety”, and “boundaries” in personal relationships. Individuals will learn to recognize healthy dynamics and learn to get one’s needs met in a more appropriate and assertive manner. Group will learn how to apply these skills for healthy responses to circumstances in one’s personal, social and familial environments.

Somatic Healing Class

for Emotion Regulation

Wednesdays 3pm - 4pm

Led by Kelly Brett, LMT

Kelly will instruct clients on the techniques of self-healing to include, mindfulness skills, breath-work, EFT Tapping and other somatic healing practices to help teens learn to manage daily stressors and regulate distressing emotions.

Skills Building & Process Group for Teens

Saturdays 2pm-3:15pm

Led by Sarah Vita AMFT

Weekly topics will focus on issues that teens face in their daily lives. This includes healthy relationships, communication, social media, teen mental health, family dynamics, life stressors, etc. Psycho-education will be taught in addition to open discussion amongst the group being encouraged. Further, tenants of DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) such as, Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance and Emotion Regulation will be incorporated into weekly discussions.

Self-Exploration Through Art

*Starting Soon

Led by Julie Gruber, AMFT

Group is open to individuals ages 13-18. Participants will be guided through various artistic mediums, explore and process the aspects of their emerging selfs through art therapy.



Family Systems & Generational Trauma;

Psycho-education & Process Group

Wednesdays 1pm-2pm

Led by Michelle York, LMFT

Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse;

Psycho-education & Process Group

Thursdays 11:30pm - 12:30pm

Led by Dr. Michele Jensen, PsyD, LMFT

Mindfulness for Self-Compassion

Thursdays 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Led by Michelle York, LMFT

Individuals will learn and practice concepts of mindfulness and loving kindness towards self as a means of developing positive esteem and healthy relationship with self and others.


Eating Disorder;

Process Group

Psycho-education & Process Group

Tuesdays 5pm - 6pm

Led by Dr. Michele Jensen, PsyD, LMFT

Eating Disorder;

Parent Support Group

Psycho-education & Process Group

Tuesdays 5pm - 6pm

Led by Michelle York, LMFT

Eating Disorder;

Meal Support

*starting soon

Meal support is offered to individuals of all ages and gender who are in recovery for eating disorders or disordered eating.

12-Step EDA Meeting;

Eating Disorders Anonymous

*open to all individuals in recovery from eating disorders of all ages and gender

Tuesdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Fundamentals of Nutrition

Psycho-education Group

Wednesdays 4pm-5pm

Led by Hannah Kauffman, RDN

In this group, individuals will process preconceived notions regarding myths, uncertainties and fears regarding metabolism.

You will learn the effects of food restriction on metabolism. We cannot change metabolism by eating specific foods as metabolism is mostly influenced by genes, age, growth and sex however, your body can find a place where it feels good and that is through creating/finding habits aligned with making you feel good around food and movement!

Breaking Free of the Diet-Culture “Trap”

Psycho-education Group

Thursdays 2pm - 3pm

Led by Hannah Kauffman, RDN

Diet Culture is the pervasive belief that appearance and body shape are more important than physical, psychological, and general well being. It refers to societal pressure to attain certain body and lifestyle ideals that are often times unattainable leading to stress, self-disconnection, and lowered self esteem.

In this group, individuals will gain a better understanding of what diet culture is, how it continues to rebrand itself, and how to identify harmful messaging.


Living in Sobriety;

Psycho-education and Support Group

*Starting Soon

Led by Gabe Jensen, CADC I

Are you on a journey of self-discovery? This group is open to individuals experiencing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and/or drugs who are who are either actively in recovery or exploring sobriety. Psycho-education on the risks and consequences of substance abuse will be taught. Group will explore psycho-social and biological factors that may lead to substance abuse as a coping mechanism. Will learn and practice healthier and more adaptive tools for managing life stressors, discuss how to create more positive relationships and develop effective skills for getting one’s emotional needs met and learn to be satisfied and content without abusing substances.

Current Somatic Healing Classes:

Our private, semi-private (2-3) and small class (4 or less) format in Sol’s serene Yoga/Pilates Studio allows for a personalized and hands-on experience.